we are nature
We are nature is our first unreleased album.
Besides loving every single song – and here we may be a bit biased! – we are particularly proud of it because it is our complete self-production, from the composition and creation of the songs to the mixing.
It can truly be considered a conception, with all the complexities and joys of the case, and a school of acceptance of our frailties and weaknesses, which has allowed us to overcome seemingly insurmountable limits.
It has been therapy and care for us to compose and create all this, and we hope it will also be so for those of you who choose to take it with you.
These tracks each represent an aspect of Nature that we can find within us, and which, just like guiding spirits, allow us to empty ourselves of toxic and noisy thoughts, showing us the way in resonance with our hearts.
Francesca & Paolo
we are nature
to download we are nature, give what you feel...
… in balance with your possibilities and the support you wish to share with us.
Once the donation has been made, we will send you an email with the link and password to download the tracks
listen to a preview of the songs

1. abuela

2. wood

3. oak

4. deer

5. magpie

6. pur pur

7. owl

8. desert (acoustic)